Disk Recovery Tool Ver by BaiYang / 2013 - 2021
Try to dump physically damaged disk or files
[USAGE]: rdd {-from|-fromdisk} {-to|-todisk} [Options]
-from: - specify the source device or file path.
-to: - specify the destination device or file path.
-sector: - specify the sector or stripe size for the storage device.
DEFAULT: auto detect (NOTE: may be faked by driver).
-block: - specify the maximum size per io operation should be taked.
-maxbuf: - specify maximum size of the buffer queue between the reading.
thread and the writing thread.
DEFAULT: smaller one of 256 blocks and one-thirdd of the
current available (free) physical memory.
-retry: - maximum number of retries for a sector read error, DEFAULT: 0.
-fill: - specify the fill value for bad sectors, DEFAULT: 0x00.
-secrange:- specify the sector range to dump. format is: [][-].
the sector number counted from 0.
DEFAULT: dump whole source.
-perrange:- specify the percentage range to dump. format: [][-].
DEFAULT: '0.00-100.00' (top to tail).
-aligned - data will be written to the target in alignment with the source
offset position.
DEFAULT: overwrite the target file from the beginning.
-logfile: - write logging to specified logfile.
DEFAULT: use './rdd_YYYYMMDD-hhmm.log'
-loglevel:- specify the lowest logging level, could be:
DebugOnly (Most Detail)
Disabled (Close Logging Output)
-priority:- specify the process running priority, can be:
Normal (DEFAULT)
-cooldown:- specify the duty-cycle for cooling down the device. the format
is 'MM/mm'. e.g.: '30/10' means 10-minute cooling down break
every 30 minutes.
DEFAULT: no cooling down break.
-h or -? - this screen.
--help - this screen.
Windows Only Options:
-fromdisk: - specify the source disk number. '-fromdisk:X' is a shortened
form of '-from:"\\.\PhysicalDriveX"', wherein X belongs [0..9].
-todisk: - specify the source disk number. '-todisk:X' is a shortened form
of '-to:"\\.\PhysicalDriveX"', wherein X belongs [0..9].
Recognized size representaion for '-sector', '-block' and '-maxbuf' options:
Decimal digital with suffix 'm' or 'mb' (case-insensitive):
recognized as megabytes.
Decimal digital with suffix 'k' or 'kb' (case-insensitive):
recognized as kilobytes.
Decimal digital with no or others suffix: recognized as bytes.
Recognized value representaion for '-fill' option:
Hexadecimal, Prefix: 0x, x (case-insensitive)
Octal, Prefix: 0
Binary, Prefix: 0b, b (case-insensitive)
Decimal, Prefix: NONE (1-9)
Identify the device name:
On Windows platform, The storage device number could be identified by using
the Disk Manager (right click 'My Computer' and select 'Management').
On linux and other unix like platforms, the device can be found in the /dev
rdd -from:/dev/sda -to:~/disk.img -logfile:~/rdd-sda.log
rdd -fromdisk:1 -todisk:2 -sector:4k
rdd -fromdisk:1 -to:datapart2.img -sector:4k -perrange:51.45-87.5
rdd -from:"D:\My Data\file.dat" -to:E:\rec.dat -retry:3 -fill:B10101010
rdd -fromdisk:1 -to:D:\disk.img -sector:4k -priority:idle
rdd -from:/dev/sda -to:/data/disk.img -cooldown:20/5
rdd -from:/dev/sda -to:/data/disk.img -perrange:34.25
rdd -from:/dev/sda -to:/data/disk.img -secrange:-11785600